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Friday, January 31, 2020

Types of cables in guided media

Twisted-Pair cable

Image result for twisted pair
  1. It consists of four pairs of copper wires coated with an insulating materials like plastic or teflon and twisted together.
  2. It is often used data network for short and medium length connections because of it's relatively lower cost compared to optical fiber and co-axial cable.
  3. Twisted pair cables are of two types:
  • Shielded twisted pair cable (STP)
  1. Shielded twisted pair cables (STP) is similar in construction to un-shielded twisted-pair cabled wire (UTP) except that twisted pair is enclose in a woven copper for providing extra protection from external interference.
  2. It is expensive then UTP.
  3. Transmission speed is upto 500 mbps at 100m range.
  • Un-Shielded twisted pair cable (UTP)
  1. UTP cable consists of number of twisted pairs of wires with a simple plastic casing.
  2. It is commonly used in telephone line system.
  3. The commonly used UTP cable is Category 5 cable (Cat 5 which is used with fast ethernet.

Coaxial Cable

Image result for co axial
  1. A coaxial cable has a single inner conductors that transmits electric signals,the outer conductor act as a ground,the two conductors are separated by insulation.The inner conductor,insulator and the outer conductor are wrapped in a sheath of teflon or pvc.
  2. The copper wire is used for both inner and outer conductor,the signal is transmitted over the surface of inner conductors.
  3. A thicker coaxial cable can transmit more data than thinner one.
  4. The commonly used coaxial cable is telephone trunklines, broadband internet networking cables, high speed computer data busses, carrying cable television signals, and connecting radio transmitters and receivers to their antennas.

Optical Fiber

Image result for optical fiber
  1. Optical fiber, refers to the medium and the technology associated with the transmission of information as light pulses along a glass or plastic strand or fiber. A fiber optic cable can contain a varying number of these glass fibers -- from a few up to a couple hundred.
  2. It has high bandwidth and faster speed.
  3. It's flexibility is generally high.
  4. It helps in secure transmission process.
  5. It is commonly used in surgery and dentistry,lighting and decoration and mechanical inspections.

Number system || chapter two BCA TU || Digital logic

Image result for number system"

Number system

A number system in base r or radius r uses unique symbols for r digits. One or more digits are combined to get a number.

In computers, we are concerned with four kinds of number systems, as follows:

Decimal Number System      ------------      Base 10
Binary Number System         ------------      Base 2
Octal Number System           ------------      Base 8
Hexa-Decimal Number System --------      Base 16

Decimal Number System
It consists of 10 digits (0-9).

Binary Number System
It consists of 2 digits (0-1).

Octal Number System 
It consists of 8 digits (0-7).

Hexa-Decimal Number System
It consists of 16 digits (0-9 and A-E) whereas from digit 10 it is named after alphabets A that means A is number 10 and E is number 15.

Conversion of Decimal to Binary, Octal, Hexa-decimal

binary-divide by 2, for fraction multiply by 2
octal-divide by 8, for fraction multiply by 8, and,
hexadecimal-divide by 16, for fraction by 16.

Conversion of Binary to Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal

decimal-multiply by 2 with the power of their descending position and for fraction with power of their ascending position but with negative sign in powers.
 octal-multiply by 8 with the power of their position and for fraction with the power of negative sign.
hexadecimal-multiply 16 with the power in it and negative for fraction.

Conversion of Binary to Octal, Hexa-Decimal

8= that means while converting binary digits to octal we have to arrange three digits of binary number starting from last position to get octal number.
 16= that means while converting binary digits to hexadecimal we have to arrange four digits of binary number starting from last position to get octal number.
Conversion of Octal, Hexadecimal to Binary
As said above each number of octal number equals to three digits of binary number i.e. final binary number will be combination of each number formed while converting.
Convert each hexadecimal digit to four digits of binary number and the combination of all digits will be the final conversion.

Radix Complement 

The r's complement of "n" digit, number "N" in base "r" is defined as -N for N=0 and 0 for N=0.
Comparing with (r-1)'s complements the r's complement is obtained by adding 1 to the (r-1)'s complement since -N= [(-1)-N] +1.

Binary Arithmetic
Binary Addition
Binary Subtraction
Binary Multiply
Binary Divide

Binary Addition

The Addition of the Binary numbers involve the following steps:
Start addition by adding the bits in unit column (the right-most column).
The result of adding of a column is a sum with or without a carry.
Write the sum in the result of that column.
If a carry is present, the carry is carried over to the addition of the next left column.

Binary Subtraction

The steps for performing subtraction of the binary numbers are as follows: -
Start subtraction by subtracting the bit in the lower row from the upper row, in the unit column.
Use the binary subtraction rules. If the bit in upper row is less than lower row, borrow 1 from the upper row of the next column (on the left side).
Rule of subtraction
1-1=0              0-1=1 (borrowed 1 from upper one)

Binary Multiply
Rules for Binary Multiply: 1*0=0   1*1=1

Binary Division
Binary number is divided same as dividing decimal number.

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
In this code each digit is responsible by a 4-bit binary number. The positional weight is assigned to the binary digits in BCD code are 8-4-2-1 with 1 corresponding to LSB and corresponding MSB.

Positional 8 4 2 1

   While converting from BCD to binary, convert same as converting binary.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001

Invalid BCD Codes

with 4-bits we can represent total 16 numbers (0000 to 1111) in BCD only first ten codes on used (0000 to 1001)
Therefore, remaining six-codes (1010 to 1111) are invalid in BCD.
The binary coding schemes that are mostly used are: -
Extended Binary Code Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC)
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)


The Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBDIC) uses 8 bits (4 bits for zone, 4 bits for digit) to represent a symbol in the data.
EBCDIC allows = 256 combinations of bits.
256 unique symbols are represented using EBCDIC code. It represents decimal numbers (0-9) lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters (A-Z), Special characters, and Control characters (printable and non-printable, e.g., for cursor movement, printer vertical spacing, etc.
 EBCDIC codes are mainly used in the mainframe computers.

The American Standard Code for Information interchange (ASCII) is widely used in computers of all types.
ASCII codes are two types- ASCII-7 and ASCII-8.
 ASCII-7 is a 7-bit standard ASCII code. In ASCII-7, the first 3 bits are the zone bits and the next 4 bits are for the digits. ASCII-7 allows = 128 combinations. 128 unique symbols are represented using ASCII-7 has been modified by IBM to ASCII-8
ASCII-8 is an extended version of ASCII-7. ASCII-8 allows =256 combinations. ASCII-8 represents unique symbols. ASCII-8 is an 8-bit code having 4 bits for zone and 4 bits for the digits. ASCII is widely to represent data in computers.
Code 0-31 used for actions like Carriage Return (CR), Bell (BEL), etc.
Code 48-57 for numeric
Code 65-90 for uppercase letters
Code 97-122 for lowercase letters
Code 128-255 are extended ASCII codes.

It is a universal character encoding standard for the representation of text which includes letters, numbers and symbols in multi-lingual environments. The Unicode Consortium based in California developed the Unicode standard.
It uses 32 bits to represent a symbol in the data.
It allows =4164895296 (~ 4 billion) combinations.
It can uniquely represent any character or symbol present in any language. In addition to the letters; mathematical and scientific symbols are also represented in Unicode.
It is compatible with the ASCII-8 codes. the first 256 codes are identical to the ASCII-8 codes.

Gray Code
It is also known as Reflected Binary Code is defined as an ordering of the binary number system such that each incremental value can only differ by one bit. I n gray code, whole traversing from one step to another step only one bit in the group changes. That is to say that two adjacent code numbers differ from each other by only one bit.
Gray code is the most popular of the unit distance code, but it is not applicable for Arithmetic Operations. Gray Code has some application is Analog to digital Convertors, as well as used for error correction in Digital Communication.

Excess-3 Code
It is basically a binary code which is made by adding 3 with equivalent decimal of binary number and again converting it into binary number. So, if we consider any binary number we have to first convert it into decimal number then add 3 with it and then convert into binary.

Self-complementing Property:
Excess-3 code is non-weighted and self-complementary code. A self-complementary binary code is always complemented themselves. The compliment of a binary number can be obtained from that number by replacing 0's with 1's and 1's with 0's. The sum of binary number and its complement is always equal to decimal 9. In other words, the 1's complement of an excess-3 code is the excess-3 code for the 9's complement of the corresponding decimal number.

Alpha-numeric Codes
A binary bit can represent only two symbols '0' and '1'. But it is not enough for communication between two computers because there we need many more symbols for communication.
These symbols are required to represent:
26 numbers with capital and small letters
Number 0 to 9
Punctuation marks
Alpha-numeric codes represent numbers and alphabetic characters. They also represent other characters such as punctuation symbols and instructions for conveying information.

Boolean algebra and logic gates
The most common postulates used to formulate various algebraic structures are:
Associative law: A binary operator * on a set S is said to be associative whenever:
  (x*y) *z=x*(y*z)
Commutative law: A binary operator * on a set S is said to be commutative whenever:
Identity element: A set S is said to have an identity element with respect to a binary operation * on S if there exists an element eS with the property:
e*x=x*e=x for every xS
Inverse: A set having the identity element e with respect to a binary operator * is said to have an inverse whenever, for every xS, there exists an element yS such that:
Distributive law: If * and · are two binary operators on set S, * is said to be distributive over* whenever:
x*(y*z) =(x*y) *(y*z)
Theorem 1(a): x+x=x
Theorem 1(b):x*x=x
Theorem 2(a):x+1=x
Theorem 2(b):x*0=0
Theorem 3     :(x') '=x
Theorem 6(a):x+yx=x
Theorem 6(b):x(y+x)=x

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Corona virus in Nepal symptoms and history

Image result for corona virus

कोरोना भाइरस

चीन बाट सुरु भएको corona virus फैलिने क्रम मा अमेरिका सम्म पुगिसकेको छ | होंग्कोंग ,जस्ता देश  हरु मा पनि corona virus तिब्र रुप ले फैलिरहेको छ | Corona virus स्वास प्रसाश मा भाग लिने अंग हरु मा प्रतक्ष्य आशार पर्ने virus हो | पहिले यो virus जनावर मा मात्र देखिने गरेको थीयो तर २०१२ मा पहिलोपटक यो virus साउदी अरब ,अफ्रीका र एशिया का केहि मुलुकहरुमा साधारण रुप मा देखापरेको थीयो

हालै चीनको wuhan प्रान्त बाट फैलिएको यो corona virus बाट हाल सम्म १०६ जना को मृत्यु वैसकेको छ भने ४५०० जना भन्दा बढी मा एसको संक्रमण देखापरिसकेको छ | यो virus को लक्ष्यण ज्वरो आउनु ,स्वस्प्रसस मा समस्या देखा पर्नु र नेमोनिया को लक्ष्यण देखा पर्नु हुन् |

यो virus ले फोक्सो को ठुलो भाग मा असर गरि नेमोनिया को बिकाश गर्छ अन्य संक्रमण मा भन्दा corona virus मा नेमोनिया बिकाश गर्ने सक्ति बढी हुन्छ | जनावर बाट सर्ने भनिएको यो virus आहिले मनिष बाट मनिष मा अत्ध्यधिक मात्रा मा फैलिदै गैराखेको छ |

नेपाल मा पनि corona virus देखा परेको पुस्टि भएको  छ | चीन बाट नेपाल आएका एक बिद्यार्थी को स्वस्थ परिक्षण गर्दा यो संक्रमण को पुस्टि भएको स्व्यास्थ तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालय ले शुक्रबार पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरि जानकारी गराएक थीयो | corona virus नेपाल भित्रिन नदिन त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल मा हेअल्थ डेस्क पनि स्थापना गरिएको छ | हेअल्थ डेस्क मा संक्रमण फैलिएका मुलुक बाट आएका पर्यटक तथा नेपालीले अनिवार्य स्व्यास्थ परिक्षण गर्नु पर्ने छ |

Transmission media and it's types (TU BCA NOTES)

Transmission Media

  1. Transmission media the pathway network entities used to connect each other.
  2. Computer transmission media includes
  • guided media
  • unguided media
Guided  media
    Image result for transmission media
  1. Guided media transmits signals by sending electricity or light over a cable or wire
  2. It uses a cabling system that guides the data signals along a specific path.
  3. The data signals are bounded by the cabling system so it is also called bounded media.
  4. Examples:twisted-pair wire,co-axial cable,fiber optics cable.
Un-Guided media
  1. Un-guided transmission media consists of a means for the data signals to travel but nothing to guide that along a specific path.
  2. It transmits data through the open air.
  3. Examples: radio waves ,infrared signals and earth and satellite based microwaves.

How to make chatamari nepali food recipe

Image result for chatamariWhat is chatamari?

Chatamari is one of the easiest and one of the tastiest food made in nepal (specially in newar community) during special occasions.You can taste authentic chatamari in local restaurant's of kathmandu valley in any time of the year or you can visit during festive seasons.


  • Water
  • 3 eggs
  • 300g chicken keema ( a type of filling with no bones)
  • Rice flour
  • Chopped coriander
  • Chopped onions
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Chilies
  • Calt
  • Ginger-garlic paste
  • Cumin powder
  • Coriander powder


  1. Lets prepare batter for chatamari. Add rice flour in a bowl and slowly add water and keep mixing flour with water.Stir the batter for 3-4 minutes for perfect thickness.The batter should not be too thin nor too thick.
  2. On another side add chopped onions,tomatoes,coriander,ginger-garlic paste,salt,cumin and coriander powder,chopped chilies with three eggs in the chicken and mix well.
  3. Chatamari is made without oil so on a dry pan pour the flour batter making circular shape on a low heat.
  4. Add chicken stuffing on top of the flour batter in the pan and again break one egg on top of the flour in the pan with some sprinkle of salt.
  5. Close the pan with a lid and cook for 7-8 minutes.
  6. Now you can take out chatamari from the pan and have a taste of it.
Chatamati is cooked without oil so it is healthier compared with other newari dishes.It is simple and easier to cook and you can have it on any time you want.

If you have any doubts or confusions regarding  the recipe you can freely contact our team.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What is K-MAP and how to solve it|| KARNAUGH MAP || BCA TU NEPAL || Digital Logic ||

Karnaugh Map (K-MAP)

The K-MAP is a graphical representation that provides a systematic method for simplifying a boolean expression.

Two Variable K-MAP
For n variable k-map 2^n cells are required.Therefore for  two variable k-map,2^2=4 cells are required.

Image result for two variable kmap

Three Variable K-MAP
For constructing three variable k-map 2^3=8 cells are required.
Image result for three variable kmap

Four Variable K-MAP
For constructing four variable k-map 2^4=16 cells are required.

Image result for four variable kmap

Why are K-MAPS used in boolean algebra?
Karnaugh's map are used to simplify real-world logic requirements so that they can be implemented using a minimum number of physical logic gates.K-MAP reduces the need for extensive calculations by taking advantage of human's pattern recognition capability

Grouping of cells for simplification in K-MAP
Adjacent cell's which have 1's can be grouped together in 2^n powert that is:
                Two adjacent cells can be grouped together
                 Four adjacent cells can be grouped together
                 Eight adjacent cells can be grouped together
                 Sixteen adjacent cells can be grouped together 

Rules followed for K-MAP simplification

So,these are the basic information about karnaugh's map if you have any problems or confusions regarding the topic feel free to contact us.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Advantages and disadvantages of market economy|

In our previous article we have discussed about the concept of market economy and its features.You had not read it press here to read it.In this article lets discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of market economy.
market economy

Advantages of market economy.

1.Freedom for consumers

one of the advantages of market economy is that there is freedom for consumers in the market.Consumers can choose goods in several markets like in Nepal,China,India etc as per their interest,financial capacity and só on.They are free to purchase the number of goods as per their desire.

2.Mobility of factors of production

The next advantages of  market economy is that factors of production are perfectly mobile i.e they can go from one place to another place if they get  better opportunity there.For example-A lecturer of economics,who is working in littel angles college can go in new horizon college,global college etc,if he gets salary and other benefits over there.

3.perfect competition

The next advantages of market economy is that there exists perfect competition in both product and factor market.The prices of goods and services are determined with the help of market forces-demand and supply in respective market.

Disadvantages of market

1.creates Economic inequality

disadvantage of market economyOne of the major disadvantages of market economy is that it creates gap between rich and poor in the society.Majority of the productive resources are captured by very few rich people.On the other hand,more people are surviving with very few resources.So,there is unequal distribution of income and resources in the country.

2.private sector domination

In market economy,majority of the economic activities and allocation of resources are carried by private sector.Government has very limited roles in this economy especially,maintaining law and order,printing money,providing public services,developing infrastructures,etc.

3.Profit motive

Market economy is dominated by private sector.They carry their economic activities being profit motive rather then service motive as their goal is profit maximization.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

||market economy||features||

 Concept of Market economy

market economy,economics,demand and supply
Market economy is also called the capitalist economy or the free enterprise economy.In market economy, all economic activities like:production,consumption,distribution,exchange etc are organized and carried out by private sectors and guidance by profit motive by market forces-demand and supply.Market forces demand and supply,determine what to produce,how to produce and whom to produce.Demand for and supply of resources,determine their respective share in total income.Similarly,demand for and supply of goods and services determine the equilibrium price and quantity in the market.There is no extra tax or subsidy on goods and services.Similarly,there are no quotas and rationing.Consumers are free to decide their consumption level and pattern.

In a market economy,individuals are free to allocate their income into consumption or/and saving.There is no control over consumption or consumer from the side of government.Individuals conduct international trade themselves.There is no any control over export and import.Goods and services are free to move everywhere.

private sector is the backbone of the economic development.However,it doesn't mean that there is no role of government.Government is the monitor and supervisor of the economy.It's role are limited to its regular functions such as maintaining peace and security,law and order and so on.The economies of United states,UK,Japan,Germany,and many western developed countries are the examples of the market economy. Moreover, a market economy has got the following features:

1.Economic activities are organized and carried on by the private sector

In a market economy all economic activities are organized by private sector.Firms decided what to produce,how to produce and whom to produce.However,they are guided by the market forces-Demand and supply.

2.Existence of market mechanism

In a market economy,equilibrium prices of goods and services are determined by the two market force demand and supply.People respond to the incentives.Other things being equal,seller seeks high prices while buyers seeks low prices.

3.No government regulation
features,market economy
In a market economy,there is no government intervention in the market.Economic activities are managed and controlled by the market forces.Government functions as a facilitator.The role of the government is to manage the public utilities,law and order,peace and security.

4.Right of private property

In a market economy,individuals have right to organize economic activities,earn income and accumulate wealth in various forms including cash,land,share,etc.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

What is cloud computing?Explained

simple concept of cloud computing

Related imageIt is not that cloud computing means the process of doing the computer operation through the cloud.Actually the process of cloud computing is same as the process of cloud formation.Like the water vapor collects at a same place to form a cloud,similarly various computers and computer user collects at a network to form the cloud computing.Like the cloud is not fixed at same place,the process of cloud computing is not fixed you can operate it from any place at any time.

Real life example

You might have heard about google drive,dropbox,onedrive if you use computers frequently.All of these are the examples of cloud computing.These provides service of storage where you can save your datas and files and you can operate those files at any time with any device all you need is authority to use,device and internet facility.

But the cloud computing is not all about storage.There are several real life examples of cloud computing.Cloud computing also provides several services.For example 'you have a old pc and your required tasks are not possible through it but you have a high speed internet connection.So,what can you do is you can use others computer power to do your task and you might have to pay to do this.' 

Many companies prefer cloud computing to save alot of investment which can be utilized in other sectors.What most of the companies do is use the services of cloud computing to do their Computer based tasks.For example'A company has the human resource of 1000 people'.It is very expensive for the company to invest on IT infrastructures so what they really do is buy services from cloud computing services to secure data,store data and do the high-end computer operation and save huge amount of their capital.
Image result for drive dropbox onedrive

Major Advantages

The major advantage of cloud computing is that you dont have to keep working on a particular device.You can work freely on any device at any time you prefer.For an example'if you use offline version of MS-word you have to keep working on same device continously but if you work on MS-word online you keep on typing and all your typed information are safe on cloud computing and you can stop and continue typing on any device only you need is internet service.Likewise you can edit your documents at any time period and you can operate to your files from any place.So the datas are more save in cloud computing.

Another advantage of cloud computing is you dont have to carry the storage devices everywhere you go because you can get in touch to your files at any place because your files are secured under cloud computing .

Monday, October 29, 2018

What is HTML? Advantages and Dis advantages of HTML.

What is HTML?

Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.HTML helps you to make your webpage look more attractive.It is a very important langugage required to become a web developer.

Advantages of HTML

1.The first advantage of HTML is it is widely used.
Image result for html2.E very browser supports HTML.
3.It's plain text is so easy to edit.
4.It is by default in every windows so you dont need to purchase extra software.
5.It is fast to download(Text is highly compressable)
6.Can be used to present just any  kind of data.
7.You can integrate  HTML with java,css,pHp etc..
8.Very similar to XML syntax,which is increasingly used for data storage.

Dis-Advantages of HTML

1.Insufficient for dynamic pages.
2.Need to write lot of codes to make a simple webpage.
3.Sometimes the structuting of HTML  documents is hard to grasp.
4.Unpredictable behavior across browsers.
5.Security features are not good in HTML.
6.Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
7.If we need to write long code for making a webpage then it produces some complexity.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

How Does The Amazon Affiliate Program Work

Image result for How Does The Amazon Affiliate Program Work Today we're going to talk about how the Amazon affiliate program works , I'm going to give you just a quick rundown of some of the basics.

 so at a very simple form the Amazon affiliate program is a way for you as a website owner content publisher to make Commission on sales generated on how that would work is if you have a website or blog and you mention a product or a book or something like that that's sold on Amazon you can use a special affiliate link that Amazon will give you and that's how they track that so they know that that visitor came from you and so by that tracking anything that person buys on Amazon in a 24 hour period would actually be be referred back to you as far as Commission was concerned and so the range varies it depends on you know how many items that you refer in a month.
Image result for How Does The Amazon Affiliate Program Work
 But typically you're going to make about four to seven percent Commission which is pretty good for you know the price of some of the things that that are on Amazon and as I mentioned it doesn't have to just be the product that you sent them over there for so if you are reviewing technology and here's an example the wire cutter is a site where they review smart phones and a bunch of other things and you can see here they're talking about the Samsung Galaxy s6 $200 on Amazon if I were to click on this it's going to take me to Amazon to buy that product and they're going to get a commission. If I  buy it but if I add on a case and end up buying or even buy a completely different phone or whatever and buy it for Amazon they would still get a commission on that.

 so they don't have to buy the product you send them therefore which is pretty cool and it's one reason that using the Amazon affiliate program is a smart idea when you're looking to make some money from your blog or your website because they're so good at selling extra products and selling.
Image result for How Does The Amazon Affiliate Program Work

मेगाका थप तिन ATM

logo of mega bank,mega bank nepal,mega bank
चाडबाडमा पैसा बोकेर लामो यात्रा गर्नुभन्दा विभिन्न स्थानमा रहेका ATM प्रयोग गर्नु उपयुक्त हुन्छ | मेगा बैंक ले सुर्खेतको बिरेन्द्रनगरको आर्मी ब्यारेक आगढ़ी यस्तो सुविधा दीएको छ | बैंकले कमलपोखरी स्थित सिटि सेन्टर,टेकु अस्पतालमा पनि ATM सेवा सुरु गरेको छ | बैंकका १ सय १ साखा,१४ वटा EXTENSION काउन्टर ,१ सय १९ ओटा सख सहित बैंक सेवा  र २ हजार भन्दा बढी मेगा संजाल छन् |

बाघ को संख्या दोब्बर

photo of tiger
एक दसकआघि को तुलनामा नेपालमा बाघको संख्या दोब्बर पुगेको छ| नेपालमा बाघको संख्या दोब्बर पुगेको सरकारी तथ्यांकले देखाएको छ | येसले पर्यावरण चक्र सन्तुलनमा मात्र नराखी पर्यटन छेत्र लाइ नै टेवा दिने र विश्वक अन्य देशले पनि नेपाललाई पक्षाउदै जानुपर्ने बिज्ञा हरुको मत छ |

बाघको संख्या बृधि गरेर मात्र नपुग्ने,उनीहरुको बासस्थान सुरक्क्षित् बनाउन,चोरी-सिकारी निरुत्साहित गर्न पनि नेपालले उत्तिकै अग्रिड भूमिका निर्वाह गर्न आवश्यक रहेको उनीहरुको सुझाव छ |

अमेरिका माषिक national geographic ले लेखेको छ,यो ठुलो अनुपात त हैन तर तस्कर र सिकारीले कम्जोर तुल्याएको नेपाल संरक्षण क्षत्रमा येत्तिको संख्या बढ्नुलाइ पनि ठुलो उपलब्धि मान्न सकिन्छ |

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Image result for bts


 Bangtan Boys(BTS) is a seven member south korean boy band formed BIG hit entertainment.The name subsequently became a backronym for Beyond The Scene.On June 12, 2013, they performed the song "No More Dream" from their initial album 2 Cool 4 Skool to commemorate their debut on June 13, 2013.They won several New Artist of the Year awards for the track "No More Dream", including at the 2013 Melon Music Awards and Golden Disc Awards and the 2014 Seoul Music AwardsThe band continued to gain prominence with their subsequent albums Dark & Wild (2014), The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 2 (2015) and The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever (2016), with the latter two entering the U.S. Billboard 200. The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever went on to win the Album of the Year award at the 2016 Melon Music Awards.

Also known as
  • Bangtan Boys
  • Bulletproof Boy Scouts
  • Beyond The Scene
  • Bangtan Sonyeondan
OriginSeoul, South Korea
  • K-pop 
  • hip hop 
  • R&B 
  • EDM
Years active2013–present
  • Big Hit 
  • Pony Canyon 
  • Def Jam Japan 
  • Columbia
  • Jin
  • Suga
  • J-Hope
  • RM
  • Jimin
  • V
  • Jungkook
Korean name
Japanese name

Friday, October 26, 2018

Android reaches a decade

Famous mobile operating  system  android  has reached a decade of establishment.It was opened with the objective of securing users location and datas.Google a reknowned company helped android to run android  properly throughout  the journey  of a decade.
Within 10 yrars android has become a famous and favourite  mobile  operating  system among the huge mass of people.
Image result for android
In 10 years various versions of android  are released and each time it had been more upgraded  and more secure each time.
Currently we can see Android operating system in most of the smartphones,smart-watch,smart TV.

VPN users increasing in Nepal

Image result for vpnAs Nepal ministry of information and technology ordered Nepal Telecome to ban porn sites in Nepal the users of VPN (Virtual Private  Network)is increasing rapidly.
VPN helps to hide identity and surf the site anonymously.
It is said that within this year sexual photos and videos will also be deleted from social medias and be banned for nepalese internet users.


An Android app is a software application running on the Android platform. Because the Android platform is built for mobile devices, a typical Android app is designed for a smartphone or a tablet PC running on the Android OS.Apps helps us in many more aspects directly or indirectly.There ar some of the best nepali android apps which may be very useful for Nepalese people.

1.Nepali Dictionary - Offline
Cover art
This app includes two dictionaries - English-English-Nepali Dictionary and Nepali-English Dictionary. Both of these are based on highly cited books authored by Choodamani Gautam.

Main Features

1) Comprehensive Word List -We have included more than 20,000 English word meaning and 30,000 Nepali word meaning including advanced level words.

2) Completely offline - We have included our entire dictionary inside the app, so that our users can use it even if they don't have internet access. We also provided way for the users to update the dictionary over-the-air once they have internet connectin.

3) Both-way-Dictionary - We have included two dictionaries - English-to-Nepali and Nepali-to-English so that this app is useful to users who are learning Nepali as well.

4) Learning Word Pronunciations - This app will help users learning how to correctly pronounce words. For example, many Nepali pronounce "Potato" as "पोटेटो", but correct pronunciation is "पटे(इ)टो" 

5) Image and Illustration This dictionary includes images of words in important categories like vegetables, animals, fruits etc. 

6) Word Games - We have included many word games that helps our users to improve their language learning.  


Cover artNET TV NEPAL is the first Commercial OTT and IPTV Service with Nepal Government's license to operate it officially and legally since 2015. NET TV APP is operated and Managed by New IT Venture Corporation Limited and NITV STREAMZ PVT LTD based in Kathmandu Nepal. Being the team of Market Leaders in Video Streaming, Mobile TV and Triple play Multiscreen Delivery, NET TV App is now focus to develop open platform where any one can bring their contents to sell and make the business partnering with us. We welcome all kind of contents from Entertainment to Education. Net tv App covers most of the Genre like News, International, Sports, Music, Movies, Life Style, Adventure etc

NETTV APP Content Features:

a. Live TV Channels (Over 200 Channels)
b. Catch-up TV DVR for 24 Hour
c. EPG
d. Movies On-Demand
e. Pay Per View
f. Online News
g. Offline Media
h. Premium Experience (Full HD, Ad-Free)

3.Hamro Nepali Keyboard

Cover artHamro Keyboard is a Nepali keyboard for all of us who love Nepali language. You can use this keyboard to write Nepali text in any app. No need to copy and paste.

With Hamro Nepali Keyboard, you can type Nepali directly to any app. We support three keyboard layouts, Unicode Transliteration, MPP based Romanized layout, and traditional layout. 


Cover artCinemaghar is an app developed to step-up the experience of watching Nepali movies online. Users don't have to spend their entire time remembering the names of movies they want to watch in order to search for them online. The app notifies user as and when any new movie is uploaded. We constantly update our content to stay current with Nepali Movie Industry.

5.Recharge Card Scanner for NTC and Ncell Users

Cover artThis app helps you use the services provided by your telecom providers NTC (Nepal Telecom) and Ncell with ease. You can scan the recharge cards using your phone's camera, and utilize the services without remembering the *USSD# code.

Experimental features:

- Dialer with phone number scanner (add shortcut to home screen)
- One click access to most features (add shortcut)
- Fast and accurate recharge card scanner
- Automatic updates to latest services and offers

6.Nepal Driving License

Cover artNepal Driving License Exam Preparation practice , containing all the question that were asked and possibility to ask in likhit exam conducted by Nepal Traffic and Nepal Yatayat Bebestha Karyalaya .The content in this app are based on the all the question that were asked in the examination.


Cover art
MeroSpark - Notes on your hand; an offline platform for Nepalese students studying in +2 (HSEB) as well as Bachelor's level to learn from their smartphones. The app is customized for 100% OFFLINE use so that students can read even if there isn’t access to internet. All the contents presented in app are from web version of MeroSpark i.e;

Cover art

8.Daraz Online Shopping App

★ DARAZ: YOUR ONLINE SHOPPING APP - Use code‘NEWDARAZ’ to get amazing discounts! ★

★Over two million products available on Pakistan’s largest online shopping app! 
★Unrivalled personalization that speaks volumes about you!
★Exclusive discounts and daily flash sales!
★Look at Collections curated especially for you on the shopping app
★Easy online shopping with cart sync between site and app!
★Check out your cart in seconds on the Daraz App!
★Browse verified official stores like you’re at the mall!
★Filter your searches by price, discount and popularity!
★Scan QR codes on the go and stay updated with deals and discounts!

9.eSewa - Mobile Wallet (Nepal)
Cover art
E-sewa mobile wallet app is the first e wallet of Nepal.You can top up your mobile balance any time. You can pay internet,telephone,education,electricity etc bills in a touch with a discount and save your time and money.

Features recharge topup
2.landline bill.
3.airplanr bus tickets.
4.electricity and water bills.
5.internet bills.
6.television recharge. ticket.
8.hotel booking. fees. premium. cards bill. shopping. deposit etc...

10.Hamro Patro

Cover artHamro Patro is now more elegant, more user friendly and also works great on slow internet connection. It gives us immense pleasure to announce that our biggest update is now available in Play Store. 


1. New Design

2. Smart feed in home screen

3. Festivals and event details

4. Quote of the day

5. Weather

6. Articles/Blog

7. Five times less data

8. More Ways to read news

9. Offline news support

10. News and Time Widget