Sunday, October 28, 2018

How Does The Amazon Affiliate Program Work

Image result for How Does The Amazon Affiliate Program Work Today we're going to talk about how the Amazon affiliate program works , I'm going to give you just a quick rundown of some of the basics.

 so at a very simple form the Amazon affiliate program is a way for you as a website owner content publisher to make Commission on sales generated on how that would work is if you have a website or blog and you mention a product or a book or something like that that's sold on Amazon you can use a special affiliate link that Amazon will give you and that's how they track that so they know that that visitor came from you and so by that tracking anything that person buys on Amazon in a 24 hour period would actually be be referred back to you as far as Commission was concerned and so the range varies it depends on you know how many items that you refer in a month.
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 But typically you're going to make about four to seven percent Commission which is pretty good for you know the price of some of the things that that are on Amazon and as I mentioned it doesn't have to just be the product that you sent them over there for so if you are reviewing technology and here's an example the wire cutter is a site where they review smart phones and a bunch of other things and you can see here they're talking about the Samsung Galaxy s6 $200 on Amazon if I were to click on this it's going to take me to Amazon to buy that product and they're going to get a commission. If I  buy it but if I add on a case and end up buying or even buy a completely different phone or whatever and buy it for Amazon they would still get a commission on that.

 so they don't have to buy the product you send them therefore which is pretty cool and it's one reason that using the Amazon affiliate program is a smart idea when you're looking to make some money from your blog or your website because they're so good at selling extra products and selling.
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