Friday, October 26, 2018



Image result for rotating telephone
Do you know that Email came before the internet?

yes,it is true in earlier days rotating telephones used to work as the means of email.People used to dial 776 which used to connect with a service called micronet which came before WWW(World Wide Web).To send email people were supposed to the number many time and finally type the mail.


Image result for keyboardHave you ever thought why the numbers in the keyboard are not in correct order?

The main reason for not placing the keys in the keyboard in correct order like A,B,C,D.. is that it was made to make your task slower.yes,keyboard was designed to make a typist slow.In old computers the computer used to get heated and get hang if someone types fast so keyboard was designed to type slow and make computer to perform well.

Fact no 3

Do you know domain names were free till 1995?
yes,till mid 19's domain names were free for all people because the users of the computer and the internet at that time was very less.But later on people have to pay for domain registeration of 100 dollars from which 30% fees was for the internet infrastrucrure development.

Fact no 4

NASA was hacked?

Image result for nasa hackedA 16 years old boy hacked NASA in 1999,yes it is true.He stole 3000 usernames and passwords of NASA with the help of his small computer.After that incident NASA has to stope its computer operation for 3 weeks to solve that problem.The hacker stole all the scripts and datas which helped NASA to get details of weather,space etc..